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申博菲律宾app 固定收益资本市场 provides a global platform to meet the wide-ranging investment and debt capital building needs of depository institutions, 金融公司, 对冲基金, 收益基金, 保险公司, 基金经理, 州和地方政府, 以及北美的其他申慱sunbet手机版, 欧洲和亚洲. 

Our customer-driven philosophy shapes a suite of products and services geared to help these institutions generate revenue, 保存财富, 并最终发展他们的业务. 在一个界限不断变化的时代, 申博菲律宾app 固定收益资本市场 continues to expand its brand of institutional financial services around the world.

固定收益研究登入 申慱sunbet手机版客户访问



We are a full-service fixed income broker-dealer with 80+ traders and a 200+ sales team. 积极与美国账户进行交易.S., 欧洲和亚洲, we have $750+ billion of annual trade volume across the entire spectrum of taxable investment products, 包括:

  • 资产支持证券
  • 客户贷款互换(B&F资本市场)
  • 新兴市场债务
  • 高收益和不良债务
  • 利率产品
  • 投资级企业债
  • 抵押贷款支持证券
  • 市政债券
  • 私人不良非证券
  • 重组股权
  • 结构性产品
  • 银团贷款
  • 贸易索赔
  • U.S. 政府证券
  • U.S. 和政府支持企业代理证券
  • 整个贷款


思想独立,以数据为中心, 申博菲律宾app‘s credit research group provides insight and analysis to help institutions generate revenue-building investment strategies. 投资级的研究团队, 高收益 and emerging markets deliver in-depth credit analysis and regularly publish on public, private and sovereign issuers across a range of key sectors and regions.

Our analysts cover more than 50 sectors and follow more than 1,000 companies and sovereign entities. Experienced and well respected by their peers, they are consistently recognized by industry rankings.

在2021年申慱sunbet手机版投资者全球固定收益研究调查中, 申博菲律宾app是美国排名最高的非鼓包公司.S. (第5)和全球(第6)排名, the Investment Grade (IG) and 高收益 (HY) research teams ranked in the top 5 in their respective categories. 分析师在以下领域获得认可.

  • 建筑(重)
  • 化学品(重)
  • 消费品(IG)
  • 不良(重)
  • 金融类股(重)
  • 游戏 & 住宿(重)
  • 医疗保健(IG)
  • 保险(IG)
  • 制造业/一般工业(HY)
  • 媒体 & 娱乐(IG)
  • 非银行金融(IG)
  • 纸 & 包装(重)
  • 房地产投资信托基金(IG)
  • 零售(IG)
  • 技术(IG)
  • 电讯服务(IG)
  • 交通运输(重)


申博菲律宾app’s strategy and analytics team provides the foundation for a client-focused approach in providing custom solutions for community 银行, 信用合作社, 政府实体, 保险公司和其他申慱sunbet手机版投资者.


Our depository strategists work alongside bank and credit union executives to develop solutions that maximize balance sheet efficiency and drive the bottom line.

  • 资产负债表优化模型
  • 项目组合评审与分析
  • 衍生工具和资产负债表对冲咨询服务
  • 债券互换分析
  • 金融申慱sunbet手机版重组 & 策略工具(FIRST)
  • 并购重组分析


专注于固定收益市场的特定部门, our product strategists leverage their expertise to analyze investment portfolios and provide relative value ideas and portfolio strategies for improving performance.

  • 政府及申慱sunbet手机版
  • 抵押贷款支持证券
  • 企业
  • 市政债券


从资产负债表报告到监管考虑, 申博菲律宾app offers a suite of analytics that provides the framework to help your institution achieve its stated objectives.

  • 债券会计及保管
  • 资产负债管理
  • 管理支持



申博菲律宾app’s 公共财政 department has more than 200 professionals working to raise capital to build public facilities and essential infrastructure throughout the US. The department includes regional and sector coverage teams serving municipal and not-for-profit clients across a national footprint. 来自美国一些最大的债券发行公司, 小型学区和农村公共申慱sunbet手机版, 申博菲律宾app’s bankers and underwriters are called upon by public and private sector borrowers to develop and implement a variety of financing strategies in the municipal market, 包括免税和应税债券, 私人配售, 贷款及其组合.

参见更多关于公共财政的信息 在这里.

城市销售 & 交易

申博菲律宾app’s municipal institutional sales and trading platform is active in the new issue and secondary market. Our distribution network provides coverage of all classes of institutional municipal bond buyers, 与传统的一级院校合作, 保险公司, 资产管理公司, middle market accounts covered by our municipal institutional salesforce and crossover buyers covered by our rates and credit groups. Our municipal trading platform follows markets nationwide with dedicated muni traders located in money centers across the US.


申博菲律宾app is consistently a leading underwriter of negotiated sales by number of issues and a Top-10 underwriter of negotiated municipal bonds. 来源:SDC汤森路透


The debt capital markets group has extensive expertise in structuring and executing across multiple products in public and private markets, their institutional distribution capabilities give meaningful access to a global investor universe that includes 保险公司, 存款申慱sunbet手机版和资产管理公司. 发行包括:


  • 高级笔记
  • 零售/婴儿债券


  • 基于资产的贷款
  • 循环信贷安排
  • 广泛银团定期贷款
  • 第二留置权和夹层债务
  • 高收益
  • 私人配售
  • Unitranche事务

查看更多关于债务资本市场的信息 在这里.


The litigation finance team has a unique market position of originating, 连锁, 交易和经纪以诉讼为重点的投资. We also act as the secondary market maker for the litigation funding industry. 通过这个管道, the litigation finance team is uniquely positioned to offer clients relatively mature litigation finance investments that have been vetted by reputable litigation funders.


成立于2009年, 申博菲律宾app’s UK and 欧洲an fixed income department has expertise across the credit spectrum and has deep, 与资产管理公司的长期合作关系, 保险公司, 公共申慱sunbet手机版, 养老基金, 银行, 对冲基金, 以及整个地区的家族办公室. 该平台得到了业界推崇的投资级支持, 高收益, emerging market research analysts supporting over 40 trading and sales people.

In 2019, 申博菲律宾app completed the acquisition of MainFirst Bank AG, since renamed 申博菲律宾app 欧洲 Bank AG. This move allowed 申博菲律宾app to substantially increase its credit platform in 欧洲 with new offices in Frankfurt, 巴黎, 和马德里.